java - How to use BitmapShader without repeat -

i working on drawing app, want draw heart shape user finger touch mobile screen. setup bitmapshader below code

//initialize bitmap object loading image resources folder bitmap fillbmp = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(context.getresources(), r.drawable.heart); fillbmp = bitmap.createscaledbitmap(fillbmp, 20, 20, false);                 //initialize bitmapshader bitmap object , set texture tile mode shader= new bitmapshader(fillbmp, shader.tilemode.repeat, shader.tilemode.repeat); 

then assign shader paint object.


i have setup touch listener track user finger. on user touch draw on canvas object as.

path path = new path(); path.moveto(mid1.x, mid1.y); path.quadto(midmid.x, midmid.y, mid2.x, mid2.y); canvas.drawpath(path, paint); 

this give me this

enter image description here

where heart shape croped , these repeated. want not these repeated , never croped this.

enter image description here

thanks in advance.

i had bit of trouble uploading git, now, i'll post solution here.

here's helper class wrote create effect want. added comments in-line explain i'm doing.

import android.content.context; import; import; import; import; import; import;  // use class canvas create effect want. public class curvedbitmapdrawer {     private context mcontext;     private paint mpaint;     private int mresourceid;     private bitmap mbitmap;     private path mpath;     private int mbitmapmargin;      // create context class can use resource ids.     public curvedbitmapdrawer(context context) {         mcontext = context;         mpath = new path();     }      // getters setters paint.     // paint used draw bitmaps, , strokewidth value in paint     // used set thickness of curve / line drawn.     public paint getpaint() {         return mpaint;     }      public void setpaint(paint paint) {         mpaint = paint;     }      // getters setters space between bitmaps.     public int getbitmapmargin()     {         return mbitmapmargin;     }      public void setbitmapmargin(int bitmapmargin)     {         mbitmapmargin = bitmapmargin;     }      // getters setters res id     public int getresourceid() {         return mresourceid;     }      public void setresourceid(int resourceid)     {         mresourceid = resourceid;         mbitmap = null;     }      // alternative optional getters setters bitmap.     public bitmap getbitmap()     {         return mbitmap;     }      public void setbitmap(bitmap bitmap)     {         mbitmap = bitmap;         mresourceid = 0;     }      // decided use local path here, feel free change it.     // call getpath perform actions on path drawn class.     public path getpath()     {         return mpath;     }      // draw method. comments inline.     public void draw(canvas canvas)     {         // grab bitmap in desired size.         final bitmap scaledbitmap = getscaledbitmap();          // find center of bitmap.         final float centerx = scaledbitmap.getwidth() / 2;         final float centery = scaledbitmap.getheight() / 2;          // wrap path measurement tool paths - pathmeasure         final pathmeasure pathmeasure = new pathmeasure(mpath, false);          // initialize distance center of bitmap.         float distance = scaledbitmap.getwidth() / 2;          // initialize position , slope buffers.         float[] position = new float[2];         float[] slope = new float[2];          float slopedegree;          // draw long distance traveled on path isn't longer         // total distance of path.         while (distance < pathmeasure.getlength())         {             // grab position & slope (tangent) on particular distance along path.             pathmeasure.getpostan(distance, position, slope);              // convert vector degree.             slopedegree = (float)((math.atan2(slope[1], slope[0]) * 180f) / math.pi);              // preserve current state of canvas   ;              // translate canvas position on path.             canvas.translate(position[0] - centerx, position[1] - centery);              // rotate canvas around center of bitmap amount of degrees needed.             canvas.rotate(slopedegree, centerx, centery);              // draw bitmap             canvas.drawbitmap(scaledbitmap, 0, 0, mpaint);              // revert bitmap previous state             canvas.restore();              // increase distance bitmap's width + desired margin.             distance += scaledbitmap.getwidth() + mbitmapmargin;         }      }      // returns scaled bitmap asset specified.     private bitmap getscaledbitmap()     {         // no bitmap or resid, return null (no special handing of this! add if like).         if (mbitmap == null && mresourceid == 0)             return null;          // if no bitmap specified, create 1 resource id.          // optimization: sure clear bitmap once done.         if (mbitmap == null)             mbitmap = bitmapfactory.decoderesource(mcontext.getresources(), mresourceid);          // width / height of bitmap[         float width = mbitmap.getwidth();         float height = mbitmap.getheight();          // ratio of bitmap         float ratio = width / height;          // set height of bitmap width of path (from paint object).         float scaledheight = mpaint.getstrokewidth();          // maintain aspect ratio of bitmap, use height * ratio width.         float scaledwidth = scaledheight * ratio;          // return generated bitmap, scaled correct size.         return bitmap.createscaledbitmap(mbitmap, (int)scaledwidth, (int)scaledheight, true);     } } 

here's usage example:

        imageview image = (imageview)findviewbyid(;          curvedbitmapdrawer drawer = new curvedbitmapdrawer(this);          paint paint = new paint();          paint.setstrokewidth(50);          drawer.setpaint(paint);         drawer.setresourceid(r.drawable.heart_icon);         drawer.setbitmapmargin(10);          path path = drawer.getpath();          path.moveto(80, 90);         path.cubicto(160, 470, 750, 290, 440, 880);          bitmap finalbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(800, 1000, bitmap.config.argb_8888);          canvas canvas = new canvas(finalbitmap);          drawer.draw(canvas);          image.setimagebitmap(finalbitmap); 

i've tested here , seems work well, minus edge cases perhaps. here's looks given usage example:

hearts along curve

remember set stroke width on paint object supply, or else nothing drawn (and cause exception current code).

hope helps you.


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