c - How to access a structures' members outside of its original function? -

i working on project creating structures inside of separate function main(). after being created , added member (variable) information structure variable, need able return pointer structure in can access reference , printing.

i including code , please simple possible new structures.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h>  typedef struct _car {     char color[20];     char model[20];     char brand[20];     int year;     struct _car *eptr; } car;  car* readcars(char* filename);   /*  *   */ int main(int argc, char** argv) {     car *cars;     car *eptr;      cars = readcars(argv[1]);      printf("%s%s%s%s", cars->color, cars->brand, cars->model, cars->color);      return (exit_success); }  car* readcars(char* filename) {     file *file = fopen(filename, "r");     int year;     char color [20], model [20], brandx[20];     car car1;     car car2;     car *carptr;     car *car2ptr;     if (file == null)     {         printf("file cannot opened\n");     }     while(file != eof)     {          fscanf(file, "%s%s%s%d", color, model, brandx, &year);          strcpy(car1.color, color);         strcpy(car1.model, model);         strcpy(car1.brand, brandx);         car1.year = year;          carptr = &car1;         fscanf(file, "%s%s%s%d", color, model, brandx, &year);          strcpy(car2.color, color);         strcpy(car2.model, model);         strcpy(car2.brand, brandx);         car2.year = year;         car2ptr = &car2;          if (fscanf(file, "%s%s%s%d", color, model, brandx, &year) == eof)         {             break;         }     }      return carptr;         } 

to answer main question in post, in car* readcars(char* filename) function, you're storing address of local variable pointer

carptr = &car1; 

and trying return it

return carptr; 

in case, readcars() function finisihes execution, existence of car ceased , you'll invoking undefined behaviour accessing returned pointer.

if want memory valid outside scope of it's allocation (in case, outside readcars() function), need allocate same using dynamic memory allocation, example, malloc() , family.

fwiw, once you've done using returned pointer, need free() memory avoid memory leak.

that said,

  1. you never effectively checked success of fopen() or of fscanf(). if either of them failed, continuing normally ideal scenario invoking ub.
  2. while ( !feof (fp) ) bad
  3. pointer arithmetic(s) in code is(are) meaningless.
  4. you've got syntax errors...and maybe more.


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