assembly - Printing "array" from .bss in gdb -

my nasm x86 assembly code contains following:

; code should mimic following c-code: ; int a[10]; ; (int = 0; < 10; i++){ ;    a[i] = i; ; }  section .data     arraylen dd 10 section .bss     array resd 10 section .text     global main main:     mov ecx, 0     mov eax, 0 loop:     inc ecx     mov dword [array+eax*4], ecx     inc eax     cmp ecx, arraylen     jl loop end:     mov ebx, 0     mov eax, 1     int 0x80 

now want check whether code works in gdb. however, how print array?

print array returns $1 = 1.

print array + x unfortunately arithmetical operation, i.e. e.g. print array + 50 prints 1+50 = 51 , not non-existent 51st array element.

you can do:

(gdb) x/10 &array 0x8049618:      1       2       3       4 0x8049628:      5       6       7       8 0x8049638:      9       10 

ps: code broken, need cmp ecx, [arraylen].


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