android - Error:non static method 'edit' cannot be referenced in static context -

public class navigationdrawerfragment extends fragment {      public static final string pref_file_name="testpref";     private actionbardrawertoggle mdrawertoggle;     private drawerlayout mdrawerlyout;      private boolean muserlearneddrawer;     private boolean mfromsavedinstancestate;     public navigationdrawerfragment() {     // required empty public constructor }   @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container,                          bundle savedinstancestate) {     // inflate layout fragment     return inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_navigation_drawer, container, false); }   public void setup(drawerlayout drawerlayout,toolbar toolbar) {     mdrawerlyout=drawerlayout;     mdrawertoggle=new actionbardrawertoggle(getactivity(),drawerlayout,toolbar,r.string.drawer_open,r.string.drawer_close){          @override         public void ondraweropened(view drawerview) {             super.ondraweropened(drawerview);         }          @override         public void ondrawerclosed(view drawerview) {             super.ondrawerclosed(drawerview);         }     };     mdrawerlyout.setdrawerlistener(mdrawertoggle);  }  public void savetopreferences(context context, string preferencename, string preferencevalue)  {     sharedpreferences sharedpreferences =  context.getsharedpreferences(pref_file_name, context.mode_private);     sharedpreferences.editor editor=sharedpreferences.edit();     editor.putstring(preferencename, preferencevalue);     editor.commit(); } 


so having error on line, sharedpreferences.editor editor=sharedpreferences.edit();

error:non static method 'edit' cannot referenced in static context


sharedpreferences.editor editor=sharedpreferences.edit(); 

instead of

sharedpreferences.editor editor=sharedpreferences.edit(); 

you can not directly sharedpreferences.edit();.

you have create object of sharedpreferences , have created sharedpreferences use call edit() method.

i hope helps!


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