c# - how to arrange the item of a list into series arrangement -
i have list of data contains of random data combination of string , number:
list<string> data1 = new list<string>() { "1001a", "1002a", "1003a", "1004a", "1015a", "1016a", "1007a", "1008a", "1009a", };
i want data arrange series this:
1001a - 1004a, 1007a - 1009a, 1015a, 1016a
for every more 2 counts of data series output shall have "-" between first count , last count of series, other non series data added last part , separated ",".
i'd made codes arrange data series last char of it:
string get_revisionmark = "a"; var raw_serries = arrange_revisionseries.where(p => p[p.length - 1].tostring() == get_revisionmark) .orderby(p => p[p.length - 1) .thenby(p => p.substring(0, p.length - 1)).tolist();
just ignore last char i'd have function that, , problem arrangement of numbers, length of data not fixed. other example of output "1001a - 1005a, 301a, 32a"
i had sample of codes works fine me, me lazy code.
for (int c1 = 0; c1 < list_num.count; c1++) { if (list_num[c1] != 0) { check1 = list_num[c1]; (int c2 = 0; c2 < list_num.count; c2++) { if (check1 == list_num[c2]) { list_num[c2] = 0; check1 += 1; list_series.add(arrange_revisionseries[c2]); } } check1 = 0; if (list_series.count > 2) { res_series.add(list_series[0] + " " +list_series[list_series.count - 1]); list_series.clear(); } else { if (list_series.count == 1) { res_series.add(list_series[0]); list_series.clear(); } else { res_series.add(list_series[0] + "," + list_series[1]); list_series.clear(); } } } } var combine_res = string.join(",", res_series); messagebox.show(combine_res);
this codes work fine series number ...
a possible solution (working current set of values), please follow steps below
declare class level string list
public list<string> data_result = new list<string>();
create function iterate through input string list (input string declared inside, named 'data')
public void arrangelist() { list<string> data = new list<string>() { "1001a", "1002a", "1003a", "1004a", "1015a", "1016a", "1007a", "1008a", "1009a", "1017a" }; list<int> data_int = data.select(a => convert.toint32(a.substring(0, a.length - 1))).orderby(b => b).tolist(); int initializer = 0, counter = 0; int finalizer = 0; foreach (var item in data_int) { if (initializer == 0) { initializer = item; continue; } else { counter++; if (item == initializer + counter) finalizer = item; else { loglisting(initializer, finalizer); initializer = item; finalizer = item; counter = 0; } } } loglisting(initializer, finalizer); }
create function logs result data_result string list.
public void loglisting(int initializer, int finalizer) { if (initializer != finalizer) { if (finalizer == initializer + 1) { data_result.add(initializer + "a"); data_result.add(finalizer + "a"); } else data_result.add(initializer + "a - " + finalizer + "a"); } else data_result.add(initializer + "a"); }
generates result list
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/luubk.png)
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