angularjs - How to Display Enum value in Kendo grid By using Angular js? - question how display enum value kendo grid colummn?

right passed is. requirement reduce code , use enum

 var leveltype = function myfunction() {             na = 0,`enter code here`             speechrecognition = 1,`enter code here`             transcriptionist = 2,             review = 3,             superproof = 4,             preaudit = 5,             formatter = 6,             postaudit = 7,             customer = 8         } 

directly , provide enum type value in kendo grid. using angular function please answer should in angularjs. how can reduce template code , directly assign value of enum kendo grid .enter code here


but want reduce code of template , kendo grid display api value .i want put condtion if 1 come api display value enum type corresponding 1.

columns: [                        {                            template: "<div class='mdi-device-access-time' id='red-clock'> </div> #=stattype#" + "<label>h</label>",                            title   : "type",            width   : "50"                        },                        {                            template: '#if(level == "0"){#' +                                      '<label>mt</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "1"){#' +                                      '<label>speechrecognition</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "2"){#' +                                      '<label>transcriptionist</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "3"){#' +                                      '<label>review</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "4"){#' +                                      '<label>superproof</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "5"){#' +                                      '<label>preaudit</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "6"){#' +                                      '<label>formatter</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "7"){#' +                                      '<label>postaudit</label>' +                                      '#}else if(level == "8"){#' +                                      '<label>customer</label>' +                                      '#}else {#' +                                      '<label>na</label>' +                                      '#}#',                            title: "level",                         } 

var leveltype = function myfunction() { na = 0,enter code here speechrecognition = 1,enter code here transcriptionist = 2, review = 3, superproof = 4, preaudit = 5, formatter = 6, postaudit = 7, customer = 8 }


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