javascript - CreateJS filter performance -
i have been developing game using createjs , noticed significant performance drop when filter applied image. created small test case showcase problem:
var isinitialized = false; function start(preload) { egg = preload.getresult("kiausinis"); center = new vector(stage.canvas.width/2,stage.canvas.height/2); eggimg = new createjs.bitmap(egg); stage.addchild(eggimg); eggimg.x = center.x-300; eggimg.y = center.y; centerorigin(eggimg); eggimg.on("click",applyfilters); eggimg2 = new createjs.bitmap(egg); stage.addchild(eggimg2); eggimg2.x = center.x; eggimg2.y = center.y; centerorigin(eggimg2); eggimg3 = new createjs.bitmap(egg); stage.addchild(eggimg3); eggimg3.x = center.x+300; eggimg3.y = center.y; centerorigin(eggimg3); fpslabel = new createjs.text("fps:","150px verdana","black"); fpslabel.linewidth = 200; fpslabel.textalign = "center"; fpslabel.x = center.x; fpslabel.y = center.y; stage.addchild(fpslabel); isinitialized = true; } function update(){ if(!isinitialized) return; fpslabel.text= "fps: " + math.round(createjs.ticker.getmeasuredfps(3)); stage.update(); } function centerorigin(img){ img.regx = img.getbounds().width/2; img.regy = img.getbounds().height/2; } function applyfilters(){ changeimgcolor(eggimg,1,0.8,0.7,1); changeimgcolor(eggimg2,1,0.8,0.7,1); changeimgcolor(eggimg3,1,0.8,0.7,1); } function changeimgcolor(img, r, g, b, a){ img.filters = [ new createjs.colorfilter(r, g, b, a) ]; img.cache(0,0,img.getbounds().width,img.getbounds().height); img.updatecache(); }
code shows primitive set up. add 3 images stage , when 1 of them clicked apply color filter of them. before applying filter arround 200fps on desktop , mobile. after filter applied instantly drops around 5fps on mobile. though framerate drops 5fps counter still shows 200fps (you can tell framerate dropped because fps counter refreshes now).
a live demo can seen here:
what happening here? doing wrong? has else encountered similar problems?
thank you.
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