Pass org-mode table data into org-mode C++ source code block -

how access org-mode table data in c++?

#+tblname: prob-calc | | 353.02 | | b | 398.00 | | c |  241.0 | | d |      1 |  #+begin_src c++ :var tbl=prob-calc :includes <stdio.h> :results output // in other languages, python, can evaluate tbl  // see values (and of course access them in usual python  // way. same r, common lisp. possible c++?  // suspicion can't done in c++. // goes here it? #+end_src 

thanks in advance

this seems work:

#+tblname: prob-calc | | 353.02 | | b | 398.00 | | c |  241.0 | | d |      1 |  #+begin_src c++ :var tbl=prob-calc :includes <iostream> <cstdlib> :results output int row, col; (row=0; row < tbl_rows; row++) {   (col=0; col < tbl_cols; col++) {     std::cout << tbl[row][col] << " ";   }   std::cout << "\n"; } #+end_src  #+results: : 353.02  : b 398.0  : c 241.0  : d 1 

on linux, source file written in /tmp/babel-<mumble>/c-src-<mumble>.cpp, , table declaration in file looks this:

const char* tbl[4][2] = {   {"a","353.02"},   {"b","398.0"},   {"c","241.0"},   {"d","1"} }; const int tbl_rows = 4; const int tbl_cols = 2; 


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