javascript - Login form in iframe from Aliexpress doesn't work in PhantomJS -

i'm trying login aliexpress through phantomjs, script doesn't work , can't figure out why.

i'm using phantomjs version 2.0.0.

the login form inside iframe, maybe that's problem.

this code:

var page = new webpage(), step = 0, loadinprogress = false, timeout = false; var url = ''; 

function fill , submit form inside i-frame.

var sendform = function(){     var iframeref = function( frameref ) {         return frameref.contentwindow             ? frameref.contentwindow.document             : frameref.contentdocument;     };      var iframe = iframeref(document.getelementbyid('alibaba-login-box'));     var arr = iframe.getelementbyid('login-form');     arr.elements["fm-login-id"].value="my-email";     arr.elements["fm-login-password"].value="my-password";     iframe.getelementbyid('login-form').submit();     console.log("form submitted."); }; 

these steps program follows:

var onfinishedsteps = [     //opens web log-in.     function(){;     },     //fills form , submits it.     function(){         page.render('0before fill.png');         page.evaluate(sendform);         page.render('1just after submit.png');     },     //renders web ~10 seconds after submitting.     function(){         console.log("timeout setted");         timeout = true;         window.settimeout(             function () {                 console.log("timeout function");                 page.render('2timeout.png');                 timeout = false;             },             10000 // wait 5,000ms (5s)         );     } ]; 

first web page loaded, form filled , submitted (and rendered). 2 steps works fine. rendered images shows filled inputs (email , password) , i-frame content properly.

the third step should give program enough time process form , login, rendered image still shows form, time password input empty , no message (like 'incorrect password' or that).

this rest of program:

page.onnavigationrequested = function(url, type, willnavigate, main) {     console.log('trying navigate to: ' + url);     console.log('caused by: ' + type);     console.log('will navigate: ' + willnavigate);     console.log('sent page\'s main frame: ' + main); };  page.onloadstarted = function() {     loadinprogress = true; };  page.onloadfinished = function(status) {     loadinprogress = false; };  interval = setinterval(function() {     if (!loadinprogress && typeof onfinishedsteps[step] == "function") {         console.log("----------------------- step " + (step + 1));         onfinishedsteps[step]();         step++;     }     if (!loadinprogress &&  !timeout && typeof onfinishedsteps[step] != "function") {         console.log("test complete!");         phantom.exit();     } }, 50); 

here link complete file if want test it. github:

i think problem cannot call function on element in different frame (iframe). there couple of things can try.

  • run phantomjs --web-security=false commandline option:

    phantomjs --web-security=false script.js 
  • change frame context before trying in it. can use page.switchtoframe() or other similar functions change frame context name or frame index. example:

    page.switchtoframe(1); // try out page.evaluate(function(){     var arr = document.getelementbyid('login-form');     arr.elements["fm-login-id"].value="my-email";     arr.elements["fm-login-password"].value="my-password";     document.getelementbyid('login-form').submit();     console.log("form submitted."); }); 

    this produces synthetic submit event.

  • you can trigger native submit event triggering enter keypress page.sendevent() function. example previous suggestion:

    page.switchtoframe(1); // try out page.evaluate(function(){     var arr = document.getelementbyid('login-form');     arr.elements["fm-login-id"].value="my-email";     arr.elements["fm-login-password"].value="my-password";     arr.elements["fm-login-password"].focus(); }); page.sendevent("keypress", page.event.key.enter); 
  • maybe need "type" both username , password native events fields, because setting field values doesn't trigger events might registered on elements. might trigger validation might necessary have run before form can submitted:

    page.switchtoframe(1); // try out  page.evaluate(function(){     document.getelementbyid("fm-login-id").focus(); }); page.sendevent("keypress", "my-email");  page.evaluate(function(){     document.getelementbyid("fm-login-password").focus(); }); page.sendevent("keypress", "my-password");  page.evaluate(function(){     document.getelementbyid("fm-login-password").focus(); }); page.sendevent("keypress", page.event.key.enter); // or page.event.key.return 


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