java - Spring+JPA/Hibernate questions -

i have working code saves entity db using ejb+jpa+hibernate. need change ejb spring.

below simplified manager class.

//@stateless - changed @service @service public class manager {      //@ejb - changed autowired     @autowired     private clientdao clientdao;      public void addclient(client client) {         clientdao.addclient(client);     } } 

below dao class.

//@stateless - changed @repository @repository public class jpaclientdao implements clientdao {      @persistencecontext(unitname="clientsservice")     private entitymanager em;      public void addclient(client client) {         em.persist(client);     } } 

below persistence.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <persistence xmlns=""          xmlns:xsi=""          xsi:schemalocation="                      "          version="2.0">    <persistence-unit name="clientsservice" transaction-type = "jta">     <provider>org.hibernate.jpa.hibernatepersistenceprovider</provider>     <jta-data-source>myjtadatabase</jta-data-source>      <class>com.entity.client</class>      <properties>       <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class"/>       <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>       <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/>       <property name="" value="update"/>     </properties>   </persistence-unit> </persistence> 


<beans xmlns=""        xmlns:xsi=""        xmlns:context=""        xsi:schemalocation="">      <context:component-scan base-package="com" />      <context:annotation-config/> </beans> 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources>     <resource id="myjtadatabase" type="datasource">         jdbcdriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.clientdriver         jdbcurl jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/c:/clientdb         username test         password 123456         validationquery = select 1         jtamanaged true     </resource> </resources> 

1) when used ejb, had container-managed transactions. should manage transactions using spring?
2) need use spring framework transaction management? there alternatives?
found examples, , cant undestand code below spring specific or suits me.

    <!-- ************ jpa configuration *********** -->     <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionmanager" />       <bean id="transactionmanager"   class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.jpatransactionmanager">         <property name="entitymanagerfactory" ref="entitymanagerfactory" />     </bean>     <bean id="entitymanagerfactory"   class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean">         <property name="persistencexmllocation"     value="classpath:config/persistence-demo.xml" />         <property name="datasource" ref="restdemods" />         <property name="packagestoscan" value="org.codingpedia.demo.*" />         <property name="jpavendoradapter">         <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.hibernatejpavendoradapter">             <property name="showsql" value="true" />             <property name="databaseplatform" value="org.hibernate.dialect.mysqldialect" />         </bean>     </property> </bean>  

3) need edit java code or should steps in xml configuration?

any useful links encouraged.

1) when used ejb, had container-managed transactions. should manage transactions using spring?

answer : spring provides container managed transaction support (see jta transaction manager , sample oracle article) , application managed transaction (which means application can declaratively/programatically manage transactions minimal effort using spring transaction api ) . see spring transaction doc

2) need use spring framework transaction management? there alternatives?

answer: if spring framework not managing transactions, container need manage have alternatives of java ee jta implementations opensource jbossts or enterprise jta implementations oracle-weblogicjtatransactionmanager or ibm-websphereuowtransactionmanager, can find how use them in same point 1 spring documentation. can have own transaction manager implemented.

but if using spring framework why not benefit spring transaction management plenty of configurations possible, (spring + hibernate transaction manager, spring + jpacontainermanager, spring+ jtacontainermanager etc..)

3) need edit java code or should steps in xml configuration?

answer: transcation manager xml config seems fine use jpatransactionmanager, can initiate transactions in service layer java code annotating @transactional typically handles service methods participate in transaction according configured transaction manager.

@service @org.springframework.transaction.annotation.transactional public class manager { 


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