cross join - Trying to calculate quartiles in MDX -

my data looks this:

id                                   |personid  |companyid  |dateid  |throughput |amounttype 33f467ac-f35b-4f24-a05b-fc35cf005981 |7         |53         |200802  |3          |0 04ee0ff0-511d-48f5-aa58-7600b3a69695 |18        |4          |201309  |5          |0 ab058aa5-6228-4e7c-9469-55827a5a34c3 |25        |69         |201108  |266        |0 

with around million rows. columns names *id refers other tables, can used dimensions.

i have olap cube column throughput measure , rest dimensions.

i want calculate quartile 1 , 3 of throughput measure.

i followed guide: post: calculating quartiles in analysis services

from tried use mdx query:

with set selection ([dates].[year].&[2014],[dates].[month].&[1])    set [nonemptyids]  nonempty(       [throughputid].[id].[id]    *[throughputid].[id].[id].allmembers   ,   {[measures].[throughput]} * [selection]  )  set [throughputdata]  order     (             [nonemptyids],           [measures].[throughput],          basc      ) member [measures].[rowcount] count (throughputdata) member [measures].[i25] ( .25 *  ( [rowcount] - 1 ) ) + 1 member [measures].[i25lo] fix([i25])   - 1 member [measures].[i25rem] ([i25] - fix([i25])) member [measures].[n25lo] (throughputdata.item([i25lo]), [throughput]) member [measures].[n25hi] (throughputdata.item([i25lo] + 1), [throughput]) member [measures].[quartile1] [n25lo] + ( [i25rem] * ( [n25hi] - [throughput] ))  select selection on 0, [measures].[quartile1] on 1 (select [dates].[y-h-q-m].members on 0 [throughput]) 

but get: 'query (6, 7) id hierarchy used more once in crossjoin function.'

i quite new olap , mdx. ideas what's wrong , how should calculate quartiles correct?

i read somewhere needed id dimensions able set values instead of aggregated values when calculating quartiles...

culprit following piece of code:

set [nonemptyids]  nonempty(       [throughputid].[id].[id]    *[throughputid].[id].[id].allmembers   ,   {[measures].[throughput]} * [selection]  ) 

you can't use same hierarchy more once in cross-join. here have used [throughputid].[id] twice. instead try below:

set [nonemptyids]  nonempty(       [throughputid].[id].[id].allmembers   ,   {[measures].[throughput]} * [selection]  ) 


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