javascript - extjs dataview not show images -
i want show pictures using dataview. have 1 model , 1 store url. problem simple, configured xtype: 'dataview' not works , dont show error. im doing wrong?
ext.define('', { extend: '', model: 'proyecto.model.md_pjdatos', data: [ { idpersonaje: 1, nombre: 'aerie', retrato: '', arquetipo: 'neutral', profesion: 'mago', pv: 16, pa: 9, ps: 12, idatributos: 1 }, { idpersonaje: 2, nombre: 'tybalt', retrato: '', arquetipo: 'neutral', profesion: 'picaro', pv: 21, pa: 18, ps: 19, idatributos: 2 }, { idpersonaje: 3, nombre: 'zojja', retrato: '', arquetipo: 'maligno', profesion: 'clerigo', pv: 26, pa: 14, ps: 29, idatributos: 3 }, { idpersonaje: 4, nombre: 'arcturus', retrato: '', arquetipo: 'maligno', profesion: 'caballero', pv: 31, pa: 27, ps: 10, idatributos: 4 } ] });
ext.define('proyecto.model.md_pjdatos', { extend: '', fields: [ { name: 'idpersonaje', type: 'int' }, { name: 'nombre', type: 'auto' }, { name: 'retrato', type: 'auto' }, { name: 'arquetipo', type: 'auto' }, { name: 'profesion', type: 'auto' }, { name: 'pv', type: 'int' }, { name: 'pa', type: 'int' }, { name: 'ps', type: 'int' }, { name: 'idatributos', reference: 'proyecto.model.md_pjatributos', unique: true } ] });
ext.define('proyecto.view.main.main', { extend: 'ext.container.container', requires: [ 'proyecto.view.main.maincontroller', 'proyecto.view.main.mainmodel' ], xtype: 'app-main', controller: 'main', viewmodel: { type: 'main' }, layout: { type: 'border' }, items: [{ xtype: 'panel', bind: { title: '{name}' }, region: 'west', width: 250, split: true, items: [{ xtype: 'dataview', store:'proyecto.model.md_pjdatos'), tpl: [ '<tpl for=".">', '<div class="thumb-wrap">', '<div class="thumb"><img src="{retrato}"></div>', '<span class="x-editable">{nombre}</span>', '</div>', '</tpl>' ], itemselector: 'div.thumb-wrap' }], },{ region: 'center', xtype: 'tabpanel', items:[{ title: 'tab 1', html: '<h2>content appropriate current navigation.</h2>' }] }] });
first of all, passing model class name storemanager.lookup
call, not store class name:
then, if passed store class name still not work because storemanager.lookup
expects "the id of store, or store instance, or store configuration" not store class name.
replace storemanager.lookup
call simply:
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