haskell - What's the difference between `stack install NAME` and `NAME` in the build-depends of project.cabal file? -

what difference between adding package_name under build-depends: section in project's .cabal file, versus doing stack install package_name within project's directory?

stack install install package appropriate place (the current snapshot database libraries in stackage, sandbox in ./.stack-work other libraries, ~/.local/bin or system's equivalent thereof executables). adding library build-depends specifies dependency of project, , leads library being installed next time stack build. if using library in project must add build-depends, otherwise won't able build project (or play library using stack ghci).

n.b.: of stack-, stack install name synonym stack build --copy-bins name. --copy-bins option tells stack copy executables ~/.local/bin. if package library no executables, stack install name same stack build name.


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