android - Using AsyncTask in PreferenceFragment -

i tring create sharedpreference save authentication info third party service. in preferences.xml there login , password fields check if values valid (authenticate) when edited. approach?

so far, have this:

on create

findpreference("sync_service_enabled").setonpreferencechangelistener(this); findpreference("sync_service_user").setonpreferencechangelistener(this); findpreference("sync_service_pwd").setonpreferencechangelistener(this); 

my listener

public boolean onpreferencechange(preference preference, object newvalue) {     if (preference.getkey().contains("sync_service")){      new authenticationremoteasynctask(this.getactivity(), user, password, service).execute();     }     return true; 

i need save token generated remote service need wait aynstask finished.

any sugestion?

i resolved problem criating custom dialogpreference. replaced positive button onclicklistener dont close dialog automatically , start remote task. asynctask notify preferencedialog after success , close dialog.


@override protected void showdialog(bundle state) {     super.showdialog(state);     ...     positivebutton.setonclicklistener(this);     negativebutton.setonclicklistener(this); } 

onclick handler

public void onclick(view view){     this.result = null;     if(view.getid() == positivebutton.getid()) {         string password = textpassword.gettext().tostring();         string user = textlogin.gettext().tostring();          new authenticationtask(getcontext(),user, password)             .notify(this).execute();     }else{         alertdialog.dismiss();     } } 

check result before close

@override protected void ondialogclosed(boolean positiveresult) {     super.ondialogclosed(positiveresult);      if (result != null) {         sharedpreferences.editor editor = geteditor();         editor.putstring("sync_service_token",result);         editor.commit();     } } 

authenticationtask custom class wrapp async stuff , call notify method.


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