swing - java JFormattedTextField -

i have jformattedtextfield dateformat. format "ddmmyy". format allows quick input.on focus lost want text in field change localdate easier read:

input: "200295". converting localdate getvalue() gives localdate of 20. february 1995. , good, text "1995-02-25" (localdate.tostring()).

when field loses focus, want text displayed in field change localdate.tostring() without actual value of field change 200295/ 20. feb 1995.

is there way make text overlay field instead of changing value/text of it?

sscce of have been thinking far:

main class:

public class formatdatetest {  public static void main(string[] args) {     swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() {           public void run() {             new theframe();         }       }); } } 

frame class:

public class theframe extends jframe{  jpanel panel; jpanel textpanel;  jformattedtextfield datefield; jbutton button; jtextarea textarea;  dateformat format;  public theframe() {      button = new jbutton("click");      button.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {          @override         public void actionperformed(actionevent arg0) {              //temporarily crates date converted.             date date = (date) datefield.getvalue();             localdate localdate = date.toinstant().atzone(zoneid.systemdefault()).tolocaldate();              // sends different values of textarea             textarea.append("the value: " + datefield.getvalue() + "\n");             textarea.append("the date: " + date.tostring() + "\n");             textarea.append("the localdate: " + localdate.tostring() + "\n");           }     });       //sets text localdate prettyness     button.addfocuslistener(new focuslistener() {          @override         public void focuslost(focusevent arg0) {             date date = (date) datefield.getvalue();             localdate localdate = date.toinstant().atzone(zoneid.systemdefault()).tolocaldate();             datefield.settext(localdate.tostring());         }          @override         public void focusgained(focusevent arg0) {             datefield.settext("");          }     });       textarea = new jtextarea();      panel = new jpanel();     textpanel = new jpanel();      panel.setlayout(new borderlayout());     textpanel.setlayout(new borderlayout());      //datefield , format     format = new simpledateformat("ddmmyy");     datefield = new jformattedtextfield(format);       textpanel.add(textarea,borderlayout.center);     panel.add(datefield,borderlayout.north);     panel.add(button, borderlayout.center);     add(panel,borderlayout.north);     add(textpanel,borderlayout.center);      pack();     setsize(400, 300);     setvisible(true);     setdefaultcloseoperation(exit_on_close);  } } 

use jpanel cardlayout. put 2 components in - input field , formatted 1 (i assume jtextfield do). on focus of them, bring formatted field front (using methods on cardlayout), , let user input data. on focus lost, process value (remember deal errors!) and, if parsing goes well, put formatted value in jtextfield , bring front.

-- update based on remark --

lightweight solution: use jlabel instead of jtextfield formatted part. remember call setfocusable(true).

even lighter: subclass jtextfield. override paintcomponent such that: a) when component focused, delegate drawing super. b) when not focused, paint formatted text yourself.


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