python - flask-sqlalchemy. multilevel join and and sort -

posts table:

class post(usermixin,db.model):     __tablename__ = "posts"     id = db.column(db.integer,primary_key= true)     timestamp = db.column(db.string(20),index = true)     author = db.column(db.integer,db.foreignkey(""))     post = db.column(db.string(500),index = true)     comments = db.relationship("comment",backref = "post_id", lazy = "joined") 

comments table:

class comment(usermixin,db.model):     __tablename__ = "comments"     id  = db.column(db.integer,primary_key = true)     comment_author_id = db.column(db.integer,db.foreignkey(""))     id_of_post = db.column(db.integer,db.foreignkey(""))     timestamp = db.column(db.string(60),index = true)     comment = db.column(db.string(500),index = true)     comment_replies = db.relationship("reply",backref = "comment_id",lazy = "dynamic") 

users table:

class user(usermixin,db.model):     __tablename__ = "users"     id = db.column(db.integer,primary_key = true)     username = db.column(db.string(60),unique = true)     first_name = db.column(db.string(60),index =  true)     last_name = db.column(db.string(60))     password = db.column(db.string(100))     followed = db.relationship("follow",foreign_keys = [follow.followed_id],backref = db.backref("follower",lazy = "joined"),lazy = "dynamic")     follower = db.relationship("follow",foreign_keys = [follow.follower_id],backref = db.backref("followed", lazy = "joined"),lazy = "dynamic")     prof_pic  =db.column(db.string(40))     posts = db.relationship("post",backref = "post_author", lazy = "joined")     comments = db.relationship("comment", backref = "comment_author",lazy = "dynamic")     replies = db.relationship("reply",backref = "reply_author",lazy = "dynamic") 

so i'm trying learn web development. try , understand things decided go , and build own little social network. concepts , ideas of relational databases,flask , web dev in general

so far good. users post in descending order. latest posts seen first. people can comment on posts , it's that's breaks.

the posts ordered in correct way comments arent. commented on right post ordering based on if im user1 , comment on user2's post comment take precedence of users2's post because im user1.

so how query in sqlaclchemy?

in pseudocode:  order posts timestamp in descending order , order comments of post timestamp in descending order 


this issue solved changing

posts = db.relationship("post",backref = "post_author", lazy = "joined") 


posts = db.relationship("post",backref = "post_author", lazy = "dynamic") 


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