activerecord - Rails using 'where' to search association -

i want select notices belong character via has_one association have nil supernotice. how code this?


belongs_to :character  has_one  :active_comment_relationship, class_name: "commentrelationship",                                        foreign_key: "commenter_id",                                        dependent: :destroy has_one  :supernotice, through: :active_comment_relationship,                        class_name: "notice",                        source: :commentee accepts_nested_attributes_for :active_comment_relationship  has_many :passive_comment_relationships, class_name: "commentrelationship",                                          foreign_key: "commentee_id",                                          dependent: :destroy has_many :comments, through: :passive_comment_relationships,                     class_name: "notice",                     source: :commenter  


has_many :notices  def topnotices   self.notices.where(supernotice: nil)  # doesn't work end 


: select "notices".* "notices" "notices"."character_id" = $1 , "notices"."commentee_id" null  order "notices"."created_at" desc completed 500 internal server error in 316ms (activerecord: 12.0ms)  activerecord::statementinvalid (pg::undefinedcolumn: error:  column notices.commentee_id not exist line 1: ..."notices" "notices"."character_id" = $1 , "notices".... 

the logs show error notices.commentee_id not exist, i've stated in notice.rb notice has_one :supernotice through: :active_comment_relationship. going wrong?

you need add:

has_many :notices 

in character model.


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