javascript - How to go from .prj file information to the appropriate d3 projection code? -

i learning d3.js , 1 thing struggle projection.

i working on map of new zealand following .prj information:

rojcs["nzgd2000_new_zealand_transverse_mercator_2000", geogcs["gcs_nzgd_2000",datum["d_nzgd_2000",spheroid["grs_1980",6378137,298.257222101]], primem["greenwich",0],unit["degree",0.017453292519943295]],projection["transverse_mercator"], parameter["latitude_of_origin",0],parameter["central_meridian",173], parameter["scale_factor",0.9996],parameter["false_easting",1600000], parameter["false_northing",10000000],unit["meter",1]] 

how can use information (i assumed information need there) write projection code in d3.js?

except fact should use transversemercator() method, else still confusing me.

with minimal code:

var projection = d3.geo.transversemercator() .scale(50); 

i display inconsistent mix of lines moment.


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