Inno Setup define a hexidecimal color constant -

i trying use [ispp] section define hexidecimal color later used in [code] section spot color, value of may change in future, getting type mismatch error when running. here relevant sections code:

[ispp] #define colorpetrol "$c8c264"  [code] procedure initializewizard(); var   portlabel: tnewstatictext; begin   portlabel := tnewstatictext.create(wizardform);   portlabel.caption := 'port'; := scaley(78);   portlabel.parent := page.surface;   portlabel.font.color := expandconstant('{#colorpetrol}'); end; 

i assuming error caused define constant being string , portlabel.font.color requiring hex value. how can constant defined in [ispp] section , used in way correctly?

just use portlabel.font.color := {#colorpetrol};. expandconstant() expanding built-in inno setup constants, not ispp defines. latter textual replacements.

as side note, i'm not aware of [ispp] section. imo should move define [code] section.


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