css - How to tackle a page with fixed vertical and horizontal navigation -

i linked jpeg request better illustrate questions (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0b7gjrjsubwettda1s1jpefawwfe/view?usp=sharing). new @ css , html , want push myself (something doing fun). making dashboard similar gmail inbox, using skeleton boilerplate.

i have main header (menu) made. trying figure out vertical navigation , second header?

do make vertical nav list? how line 2nd header right of vertical nav? guess looking strategy. sorry, being such noob question. input help.

some thoughts:

jsfiddle demo

for google-friendly seo, enclose nav inside <nav></nav> tags, , use anchor tags menu items, whether inside list structure or not:

<ul><li><a html="#">menu item</a></li></ul> 

break page chunks, using divs. put every discreet section (block? part?) divs. or, use twitter's bootstrap (which same thing).

something this:

<body> <div id="wrap">     <div id="header">     </div><!-- #header -->     <nav id="sidenav">         <ul>             <li>menu item</li>             <li>menu item</li>             <li>menu item</li>         </ul>     </nav><!-- #sidenav -->     <div id="subhead">     </div><!-- #subhead -->     <div id="container">         <article>         </article>     </div><!-- #container --> </div><!-- #wrap> </body> 

to make nav menu <li> items side side, use:

ul li {display:inline;} 

to style navigation left, subheader , content right, following started:

#wrap {width:100%;} #header  {width:100%;height:80px;} #sidenav {float:left;width:15%;min-height:500px;} #subhead {margin-left:15%;width:85%;height:80px;} #container {margin-left:15%;width:85%;min-height:500px;} 

when using float, important understand float:left (or right) remove div page flow. how subhead , container positioned beside sidenav. however, when using floats, following divs on top of floated divs. *(see section great collapse in all-about-floats link below)* therefore, must know "clearing float" @ parent level:

#wrap {width:100%;overflow:auto;} 

there more, started.

or, learn bootstrap, lot of and makes sure site mobile-friendly (aka "responsive").






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