android - How to get user data after Login with LinkedIn -

i have implemented login linkedin , getting access token after successful login session.getaccesstoken().tostring(). need complete user profile , connection list in account. unable retrieve information linkedin.

i calling rest client api call stated in official document this

in passing access token oauth2_access_token got after login. in response getting

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <error>     <status>401</status>     <timestamp>1440998578838</timestamp>     <request-id>p6gdchj13p</request-id>     <error-code>0</error-code>     <message>unable verify access token</message> </error> 

i have tried various solutions stated here:

linkedin oauth2: "unable verify access token"

how retrieve possible information linkedin account ? (api using c#)

as per official documentation it's stated make linkedin rest api calls need call apihelper.getrequest() method or apihelper.postrequest() get , post call respectively; , fetch requested data of user need make rest url given in documentation. here's quick example fetch user basic_profile data:

string url = ",first-name,last-name)";  apihelper apihelper = apihelper.getinstance(getapplicationcontext()); apihelper.getrequest(this, url, new apilistener() {     @override     public void onapisuccess(apiresponse apiresponse) {         // success!         log.d("linkedin response data", apiresponse.getresponsedataasjson().tostring());     }      @override     public void onapierror(liapierror liapierror) {         // error making request!     } }); 

you can refer official documentation on here complete detail


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