java - HQL to accept wildcard characters and display the matching records -

my requirement accept wild card in textbox , show matching records. i'm working on maintenance project , not sure how modify existing code written in hibernate(hql) accept wildcard characters in query , display matching records. below wildcard characters condition: % = 0 many characters _ = 1 character

in normal sql query know use accept wild card chacters. please see sample below.

select * emp empname '%_%'; 

please suggest how when used hibernate(hql).

below sample code:

public actionforward performsearch(actionmapping mapping, actionform form,             httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response)             throws exception {          mysearchform searchform = (mysearchform) form;         actionmessages messages = new actionmessages();         searchform.getsearchcriteria().setdosearch(messages.isempty());          if (!messages.isempty()) {             adderrors(request, messages);         }          loadformdata(searchform, request);          return mapping.findforward("success");     } 


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