python - MongoEngine Query Optimization -

i have 2 collections scenariodrivers , modeldrivers has 1 many relationship each other.

class scenariodrivers(document):     meta = {         'collection': 'scenariodrivers'     }     scenarioid = referencefield('modelscenarios')     driverid = referencefield('modeldrivers')     drivercalibrationmethod = stringfield()     segmentname = stringfield()     drivervalue = listfield()     calibrationstatus = stringfield()     adjustedvalues = listfield(default=[])     createdate = datetimefield(default=objectid().generation_time)     lastupdatedate = datetimefield(default=datetime.utcnow())  class modeldrivers(document):     meta = {         'collection': 'modeldrivers'     }     portfoliomodelid = referencefield('portfoliomodels')     drivername = stringfield()     createdate = datetimefield(default=objectid().generation_time)     lastupdatedate = datetimefield(default=datetime.utcnow())     fieldformat = stringfield()     driverdata = listfield() 

my query this.

class getcalibrateddrivers(resource):     def get(self, scenario_id):         scenario_drivers_list = []          scenario_drivers = scenariodrivers.objects(scenarioid=scenario_id).exclude('scenarioid').select_related(1)         scenario_driver in scenario_drivers:             scenario_driver_dict = {                 'id': str(,                 'driverid': str(,                 'segmentname': scenario_driver.segmentname,                 'calibrationmethod': scenario_driver.drivercalibrationmethod,                 'calibratedvalues': exchange(scenario_driver.drivervalue),                 'adjustedvalues': scenario_driver.adjustedvalues,                 'lastupdatedate': formatted_date(scenario_driver.lastupdatedate),                 'fieldformat': scenario_driver.driverid.fieldformat             }             scenario_drivers_list.append(scenario_driver_dict)          return {             'drivercalibrations': scenario_drivers_list         } 

the query matches 1140 records , construct dictionary , make list.

but api call takes 30s process 1140 records. missing? please help. using latest version of pymongo , mongoengine.

i think problem not query, looping on 1140 records. not see use of referenced objects should consider removing select_related(1). once that, if want convert reference object ids string, can use as_pymongo() default you. , if must read data in specific format formatted_date or exchange, better save them part of document. i.e. save formattedlastupdatedate lastupdatedate. in mongodb, have think read specific logic when save document.


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